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Classroom Projects
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Independent and Partner Math Activities for Kindergarten!
Help me give my students tools for independent math practice! The Lakeshore Touch and Match Cards are a huge hit with my students because they get visuals plus tactile support.
Ms. Whitney
McMicken Heights Elementary School•
Seattle, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $954 still needed
Sensory Tools for Sensational Brains
Help me give my students with special needs much-needed sensory tools such as a color-changing light center, sensory cushions, and a weighted lap pad so that they can explore and determine what works for them. I am creating a sensory exploration group and break space, and these tools would be perfect.
Ms. Carrie
Pacific Middle School•
Des Moines, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $575 still needed
Resource Room Set Up
Help me give my students supplies to make our resource room a successful educational space! I am starting midyear as a first year teacher and these supplies will help to make our space welcoming and useful.
Ms. Jensen
Sacajawea Elementary School•
Richland, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $240 still needed
Running to the Finish
Help me give my students the supplies they need to finish the school year!
Mrs. Wilson
Moxee Elementary School•
Moxee, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $175 still needed
- $88 for now
Donations to this project are currently matched, thanks to Kleenex.$88 for now, thanks to a match.Hygiene for Girls
Help me give my students a rolling cart for organizing feminine hygiene products like pads, hair ties, deodorant, lotion, disposable toothbrushes, wipes, socks, and chap stick.
Mrs. Piper
Royal Middle School•
Royal City, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $494 still needed
- $247 for now
Donations to this project are currently matched, thanks to A New York City Parent.$247 for now, thanks to a match.Period Products for Girls Locker Room
Help me give my students access to period products to create equity for all.
Mrs. Piper
Royal Middle School•
Royal City, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $452 still needed
- $226 for now
Donations to this project are currently matched, thanks to A New York City Parent.$226 for now, thanks to a match.Classroom Basics-Laminate, Storage Envelopes, Reusable 100 Charts, & Flash Cards
Help me give my students basic classroom storage-envelopes and laminate- for basic classroom lessons/supplies and don't forget the flash cards!
Mrs. Weyrick
Moxee Elementary School•
Moxee, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $193 still needed
- $97 for now
Donations to this project are currently matched, thanks to Kleenex.$97 for now, thanks to a match.Spring Growth for Little Minds: Life Cycle of Butterflies and Flowers
Help me give my students the gift of learning about the life cycle of plants and butterflies with butterfly larvae, planting supplies, and books.
Ms. Amy
Old Redmond Schoolhouse•
Redmond, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $242 still needed
Cork Displays for the Hall and PAINT, Oh MY!
Help me give my students basic supplies for the classroom-kids need a place to hang their work!
Mr. Weyrick
East Valley Central Middle School•
Yakima, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $193 still needed
- $97 for now
Donations to this project are currently matched, thanks to Kleenex.$97 for now, thanks to a match.Professional development
Phonemic Awareness Training
I need phonemic awareness training to teach my struggling 3rd graders.
Mrs. Daniels
Hidden Creek Elementary School•
Port Orchard, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $513 still needed
- $257 for now
Donations to this project are currently matched, thanks to LOFT.$257 for now, thanks to a match.Hungry, Hungry, Students!
Help me give my students my students the energy boost they need to finish their day full of energy, happy, and strong so they can learn and grow academically and socially.
Mrs. Sanchez
Valley View Elementary School•
Toppenish, WA- Be the first to support this project
- $623 still needed
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