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212 projects
Classroom Projects
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Essential Large Pocket Charts Needed for Kindergarten Daily Instruction
Help me give my students pocket charts to display class poems, songs, word families, sight words, math content, math strategies, and writing workshop resources.
Mrs. Elsaesser
Sebago Elementary School•
Sebago, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $210 still needed
Help me give my students SCIENCE! My young children need more experience with science topics! I would like to bring it into my reading instruction in small groups! Let's bring in more science!
Mrs. Clough
Village Elementary School•
York, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $549 still needed
Equity & Diversity in Early Childhood Education
Help me give my students access to a diverse classroom setting. These dolls and block play people will represent more diversity in transitional kindergarten classrooms.
Mrs. Latham
Spruce Mountain Primary School•
Livermore, ME- 2 donors so far
- $979 still needed
Giving All Students the Opportunity to Participate in Band
Help me give my students the opporunity to learn how to play a band instrument. We lend instruments out to students in grades 5-8 who want to learn how to play, and we often don't have enough instruments.
Mrs. Cabral
Lincoln Middle School•
Portland, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $1,527 still needed
Healthy Snacks to Feed Their Minds
Help me give my students healthy, appealing snacks that they enjoy to ensure hunger doesn't interfere with their school day. Getting snacks such as Goldfish, and Oreos, fruit and juice will appeal to a variety of students.
Mrs. Boinske
Fort Street Elementary School•
Mars Hill, ME- 1 donor so far
- $379 still needed
Jumping High to Learn
Help me give my students increased focus and attention. Not only will this assist with focus and attention, but proprioceptive input has been proven to help increase visual perceptual skills that are important skills for reading and writing.
Mrs. Bachelder
W.G. Mallett School•
Farmington, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $267 still needed
Games for Indoor Recess
Help me give my students some indoor recess games here in Western Maine. They enjoy building and creating things so I think the Puzzle Connecting pieces would be a great asset in my room.
Mrs. Crews
Meroby Elementary School•
Mexico, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $411 still needed
Help my Classroom Library Be More Culturally Diverse!
Help me give my students more exposure to different cultures; reading about different cultures is one important way to expand a student's horizons.
Mrs. White
Old Town Elementary School•
Old Town, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $267 still needed
Builders in the Classroom!
Help me give my students some Lego building blocks! My students love Legos, and having some Lego building opportunities for indoor recess and free building time will help them be creative, grow, and learn!
Mrs. White
Old Town Elementary School•
Old Town, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $336 still needed
Let it Be Light: Creating Classroom Culture
Help me give my students these lights so that we have lighting for the classroom. Many of my students are bothered by the florescent lights but we also have to have enough light to not strain our eyes.
Ms. Campbell
Ames Elementary School•
Searsmont, ME- Be the first to support this project
- $422 still needed
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