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Classroom Projects
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Classroom Supplies and Financial Literacy through Classroom "Bank"
Help me give my students necessary supplies for their whiteboard tabletops to continue to experience learning in a more engaging and interactive way. Help support our financial literacy growth through our classroom bank and classroom store.
Mr. Liebelt
Washington Technology Magnet School•
Saint Paul, MN- 2 donors so far
- $841 still needed
Building Strong Readers
Help me give my students decodable phonics readers for small group instruction that are specifically designed to help students build their phonemic awareness and decoding skills which is essential when learning to read.
Mrs. Becker
West Elementary School•
Hutchinson, MN- 1 donor so far
- $424 still needed
“Reading Nook” Comfortable seating and reading
Help me give my students be comfortable with round ottoman and square ottomans while reading. Pencil sharpeners, organize supplies, white boards math problems. desk for laptop and chair. hoop and balls for movement in classroom
Ms. Graves
Red Lake Elementary Complex•
Redlake, MN- Be the first to support this project
- $979 still needed
Inspire Life Long Readers
Help me give my students more opportunities for independent reading. Help them to broaden their horizons and help them to take a mental break from the stresses of their daily life.
Ms. Johnson
Monticello High School•
Monticello, MN- Be the first to support this project
- $326 still needed
Empowering Students to Innovate
Help me give my students an engineering design experience, through the use of a 3D printer, that encourages them to think outside the box and help solve problems around the world.
Ms. Meyers
Kasson - Mantorville Middle School•
Kasson, MN- Be the first to support this project
- $742 still needed
Critical Skills for Students on the Autism Spectrum
Help me give my students amazing social skills lessons! Students on the autism spectrum have various needs with social skills and TPT has excellent resources available!
Ms. Jodi
Andersen United Middle School•
Minneapolis, MN- Be the first to support this project
- $394 still needed
Reusable: Paper and Cardboard Tools for Young Makers
Help me give my students scissors, cardboard cutting tools, and tape dispensers to enable them to use recycled cardboard and paper to build their projects.
Mr. Pope
Cass Lake - Bena Middle School•
Cass Lake, MN- Be the first to support this project
- $350 still needed
We are Too Wiggly to Learn
Help me give my students a few choices to sit and help them to focus on what they are trying to learn. We all work better when we are comfortable and can focus on our work.
Ms. Runquist
Dassel - Cokato Middle School•
Cokato, MN- Be the first to support this project
- $514 still needed
Our Students Need Playground Equipment for Recess!
Help me give my students equipment to use during recess, as they've used all of their chalk, and many of the basketballs and kickballs are deflated and no longer hold air due to the tough MN recess weather.
Ms. Mahan-Deitte
Tiger Elementary School•
Hutchinson, MN- 1 donor so far
- $336 still needed
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