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515 projects
District of Columbia
Classroom Projects
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Essential Needs
Help me give my students the items that are used the most such as the copy paper to complete our projects, the laminating machine and pouches to display work, the air freshener will maintain a welcoming class.
Ms. Lovos
Roosevelt Stay Senior High School•
Washington, DC- Be the first to support this project
- $395 still needed
Shelving For Our Library
Help me give my students a place for new books and help make for easy access. Books are currently not shelved and live on book trucks due to shelving space restrictions.
Dr. Beresford
Leckie Education Campus•
Washington, DC- Be the first to support this project
- $4,755 still needed
Second Grade Ideal Warriors Living Wax Museum
Help me give my students materials for their biography study and living wax museum to celebrate diverse figures that have positively impacted the world!
Ms. Wilson
Friendship Public Charter School - Ideal Academy•
Washington, DC- Be the first to support this project
- $1,073 still needed
Building Math Foundations in Intervention Spaces
Help me give my students access to their online platforms with headphones and working calculators to support their access to the on grade level learning.
Ms. Nebrao
Kramer Middle School•
Washington, DC- Be the first to support this project
- $909 still needed
Uplift, Affirm, and Celebrate Students' Successes and Cultures
Help me give my students thoughtful incentives to remind them of their hard work, dedication, and resilience while celebrating themselves and their cultures!
Ms. Kim
Roosevelt STAY Opportunity Academy•
Washington, DC- 1 donor so far
- $170 still needed
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