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Ms. Leslie from Millers Creek NC is requesting books through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.

Studying for Success With Simple Spanish!

Help me give my students classic beginner Spanish books to practice their foreign language studies with real-world examples.

  • Be the first to donate!
  • $403 still needed

expires Jul 03

  • Be the first to donate!
  • $403 still needed

My Project

Our library is severely lacking in Spanish books, making it hard for those students who are studying Spanish to have materials for continued study. Our Spanish books also help support our ESL community with easy reading materials. We need enough materials that students can check out books to take home for leisure reading, but also utilize them in a classroom lesson environment.

This project will provide enough Spanish books for a whole class to do a book tasting and practice their basic Spanish in a real-world way.

Book tastings are a simple and easy way for students to be introduced to new material. They read a book for 5-10 minutes and then switch seats and tables to find a new book to read. These simple Spanish books will allow us to do book tastings with the Spanish classes to help them practice their vocabulary. They utilize what they have learned in class and see it applied in a real-world setting.

These books will also help supplement the ESL students who would like to practice their reading. Not all of these students read at a high level of Spanish, and many need lower-level books to start with. It also helps them start the process of translating easy Spanish into simple English.

Ms. Leslie
Grades 9-12

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Where Your Donation Goes

Materials Cost Quantity Total
Narval. Unicornio Marino (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $19.99 1 $19.99
Narval, un profe genial (Narwhal and Jelly, 6) (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $19.99 1 $19.99
Supernarval y Medu Shock (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $18.99 1 $18.99
Crema de cacahuete y Medu (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $18.99 1 $18.99
Olivia Forma una Banda (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $17.99 1 $17.99
Huevos verdes con jamón (Green Eggs and Ham Spanish Edition) (Beginner Books(R)) • Amazon Business $8.50 2 $17.00
¡Dormiré la siesta! (An Elephant and Piggie Book) (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $8.49 2 $16.98
¡Me han invitado a una fiesta! (An Elephant and Piggie Book) (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $8.49 2 $16.98
Narval y Nutry (Narval y Medu, 3) (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $14.87 1 $14.87
Horton escucha a Quién! (Horton Hears a Who! Spanish Edition) (Classic Seuss) • Amazon Business $14.15 1 $14.15
Olivia y las Princesas (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $14.10 1 $14.10
Olivia (Spanish Edition) • AKJ Education $13.13 1 $13.13
Un Pez Dos Peces Pez Rojo Pez Azul (One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Spanish Edition) (Beginner Books(R)) • Amazon Business $6.00 2 $12.00
Opuestos (Opposites) (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $5.99 2 $11.98
Sombrero azul, sombrero verde (Blue Hat, Green Hat) (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $5.99 2 $11.98
¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza! (Ten Apples Up on Top! Spanish Edition) (Beginner Books(R)) • Amazon Business $9.99 1 $9.99
¿Puedo jugar yo también?-An Elephant & Piggie Book, Spanish Edition (An Elephant and Piggie Book) • Amazon Business $9.89 1 $9.89
¡Esperar no es fácil!-An Elephant and Piggie Book, Spanish Edition • Amazon Business $9.69 1 $9.69
¡Escucha mi trompeta!-An Elephant and Piggie Book, Spanish Edition • Amazon Business $9.69 1 $9.69
Dragones y tacos (Spanish Edition) • Amazon Business $7.57 1 $7.57

Materials cost


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