Celebrate Black Teachers and Students
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
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Ms. Carrasco from Oklahoma City OK is requesting educational kits & games through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.
Help me give my ELL students some fun learning activities and games to improve English grammar and comprehension skills, along with writing paper to practice writing skills we are working on and snacks.
This project is a part of the Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month celebration because it supports a Latino teacher or a school where the majority of students are Latino.
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
The items I requested will make a big difference for my ELL students. They have improved and worked hard with what we have learned and done so far. I can say we are more than halfway there with learning to read, write and speak in English. Any and all resources as far as learning tools, writing paper, and games help us out tremendously.
Our goals are to improve and be successful in our Newcomer class with our writing abilities and skills.
The games and activities we chose will be fun as well as learning skills for us. Our Newcomer students enjoy every new game,book or activities we get for our class and awarding them with a special snack for their effort and hard work is very well appreciated by them.
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