This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
My Project
Scholastic News have been an important part of our school day. Each week, on Tuesday we have our Tuesday Newsday. The Scholastic News bring to light so many concepts in a way that builds background knowledge, vocabulary, and information about a topic. They are colorful, very visual, and easy to read for our students.
Tuesday Newsday is a favorite day throughout the week because each one of my students get their own copy of the Scholastic News!
It builds communication and conversation as we do alot of turn and talks during them. It allows my students, many of whom lack background knowledge, to obtain background knowledge. It allows my students to go home with a Scholastic News Day in hand so they can share what they know with people at home. This is such an important and memorable part of our 1st grade each and every year.
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