Celebrate Black Teachers and Students
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
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Mr. Josh from Waterbury CT is requesting materials related to food, clothing & hygiene through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.
Help me give my students the opportunity to host a fashion show.
This project is a part of the Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month celebration because it supports a Latino teacher or a school where the majority of students are Latino.
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
JFKHS F.A.C.E. is hosting their first fashion show and the students are very excited to be participating in this event. The following items will help with the show:
Let Bring Something Innovative And Bring Something Interesting New To Our Students.
JFKHS F.A.C.E. is a new way to get students involved with school clubs and activities with our school. It’s a new safe space where students and show and express their talents in Fashion and Modeling.
Camera - The camera will help the students get head shots for flyers for the event and also to take pictures during the show. The pictures will hold much value for students and they will be able to have a memorable moment captured. The student will be able to share these photos and showcase their high school experience.
Snacks / Drinks - The snacks and drinks will be used during the meeting time to practice. The students will have weekly rehearsals and they will use this time to discuss and work on their costumes. They will also use this time to learn modeling walks and dances they will be presenting during the fashion show.
Makeup - Make up will be used day of show for students to express their feeling and their creativity. Every student has their own unique style and they will be able to display their art!
Hats- The hats will be used during one of the acts that we will have during their show. Everyone participating in the show will receive a hat and use it during one of the shows scene.
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