Celebrate Black Teachers and Students
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
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Mrs. Cedeno from Saint Louis MO is requesting instructional technology through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.
Help me give my students TI-84 Graphing Calculators to help challenge students to think critically in math.
This project is a part of the Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month celebration because it supports a Latino teacher or a school where the majority of students are Latino.
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
Students are currently using broken calculators. TI calculators are the most durable on the market, so that current and future students can benefit from their use. To help minimize the negative effect of current learning gaps, graphing calculators are an essential tool for student success.I currently have 10, and need another set so that students don't have to share calculators as often so that students can work individually as much as possible.
By gaining access to TI graphing calculators, our math department will be able to create more engaging lessons for students so that they enjoy math and achieve greater success in their math classes and beyond.
With these calculators, students will be able to have their problems faster and the information they need in order to keep improving their scores. TI calculators are necessary for important assessments and standardized tests, such as the end-of-course exams EOC and ACT. Highest test scores will advance my students enter to good universities and earn more academic scholarships.
TI calculators are used in most college math courses, and I would like to expose my students and be familiar with TI-84 before they enter college. Many of my students coming are from very difficult household and to provide them with this calculator will be an excellent way to improve their mathematical knowledge.
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