Celebrate Black Teachers and Students
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
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Mrs. Fox from Georgetown SC is requesting books through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.
Help me give my students more books with ninjas as the main characters to increase their excitement for reading using the types of characters they love!
This project is part of the Black History Month celebration because it supports a Black teacher or a school where the majority of the students are Black.
My students are always asking for more books about ninjas or with ninjas as the main characters. They want stories that will make them laugh and I want to give them plenty of choices to make them want to read more! These books will be displayed in the library as well as promoted through book commercials to get students reading more throughout the year!
Please help me give my students these books about ninjas and ninjas as the main characters that will keep them coming back for more!
My goal for this project is to increase the number of books I have available with the types of characters they want to see more of to keep them reading everyday! Reading everyday is one of the simplest and best ways to help students grow and be successful.
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